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Report: 1-23-24 with FBI Whistleblower: Steve Friend

Londa Rohlfing

Snow postponed our regular 3rd Tues. monthly meeting on Marxism to March 19. This event was an EXTRA meeting which had amazing attendance of 86 people!

Steve Friend, now Fellow with the Center for Renewing America both informed and alarmed us with what he had to share regarding his experience with the FBI as an agent.

We were honored to hear from him, though distressed at what we heard. We apologize for the last thought tech-challenged FB Live. REQUEST: If someone would like to volunteer to be in charge of taping our presenters when they agree, that would be MOST WELCOME!

To learn more of what Steve has to say - just go to YouTube, Rumble, etc. and put in his name. You'll see that he has testified before Congress.

My opinion for ACTION: write our Senators and Congressman that the FBI needs to shape up to Constitutional values - from the bottom up or be totally AXXED as what we learned says that it is so infested with corruption from the bottom up, that this is the only solution.

If all we do is go to a meeting, listen, and shake our heads - we are PART OF THE PROBLEM!

Sen. Marsha Blackburn 202-224-3344

   Sen. Bill Hagerty 202-224-4944

   Rep. David Kustoff 202-225-4714

Also - share with your friends what you learned - and give them this Blog Post URL so that they can read for themselves - with easy access to links as given here.

Thanks to the snow, Steve didn't have his books to sell, so let's support him by purchasing a copy of his book at Amazon.

Do it - for our kids/grandkids......

As Steve shared to start his talk, all of the details he shared are available at this link:

Steve shared with us about his Podcast. I found it and subscribed and ask you to do the same, as this will both help Steve, and help us to HEAR THE TRUTH! The American Radicals Podcast with Steve Friend and Garret O'Boyle - both FBI Whistleblowers.

They release new episodes every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 11 pm CST. The current one I'm listening to as I write this is great history on ML King...

As they say... Pursue the Truth - see link starting below....

Reject the noise. Ask Bold questions. Pursue the truth. This is the American Radicals Podcast. Join founding Suspendables Steve Friend and Garret O’Boyle as they push forward for truth in an age of lies. Steve Twitter: @RealSteveFriend

( Truth: @Real_SteveFriend ( Amazon: True Blue: My Journey from Beat Cop to Suspended FBI Whistleblower Garret: Twitter: @GOBactual ( Substack: @GOBactual ( Truth: @GOBactual ( Instagram: @GOBactual ( The Suspendables MERCH!!! ( Twitter: @SuspendablesUSA ( Truth: @SuspendablesUSA ( Instagram: @SuspendablesUSA (

Our THANKS to Aundrea Gomez for offering to bring Steve to Jackson...and safe travels to them as they work their way across the state.

THANKS once again to the generosity of Pastor Garry Martin and Jackson First Assembly for the use of their Ministry Center!!!

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