FOUR Candidates accepted our invitation to appear: Glenn Gaugh, Shane Barnes, Debbie Gaugh, and Kipp Hornburger. Kipp Hornburger was seriously ill and without a voice that worked - could not attend. Candidate responses to our Forum are indicated on the chart below that was distributed to all in attendance.

Our Forum was held in Lightning Rounds, covering a variety of specific issues AND their world-view values that would guide decisions that they would make as School Board Members,
School Board Policy Issues
Teacher-related/Classroom Issues
Student Outcome/Education Issues
Parental Concerns/Involvement Issues
Candidate Personal Value System
Candidates responded by raising a paddle saying: YES, NO, or by not raising the paddle - NO RESPONSE, then given a 3 minute opportunity at the end of each Round to explain their response (or lack of) as they so chose.
If you have questions about the Forum results, they are available by contacting Londa Rohlfing 217-369-4687 or emailing Londa at We the People is a conservative, Christian NON-PARTISAN organization.

We decided to hold our Forum in Lightning Rounds, covering different arenas of decisions that School Board Members would be making, should they be elected. We made this decision so that it would be clear to our members/attendees how firmly they stood on these topics.
The following phone numbers are on record with the Madison County Election Commission and are included, encouraging you to call them with any questions you might have before voting.
Glen Gaugh: 731-225-2663 Shane Barnes 731-467-1331
Debbie Gaugh: 731-225-5300
.We the People is a conservative, Christian NON-PARTISAN organization whose mission is to educate, connect, and activate according to the Constitution of US.
We thank Pastor Garry Martin for being our Moderator.