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Click on the ATT paper clip below
to access a csv file of 286 Books Considered Obscene by national groups battling sexually-explicit books in public and school libraries across our country. We have found 72 of these books (25%) in our Jackson/Madison County Public Library.
If you'd like to join our committee addressing these concerns, please contact Londa at
For you to understand our concerns, find below 'summaries' of just a few of the books to which we vehemently object as easily accessible to minors in our JMCL. Our goal is not to ban these books, but that they be clearly labeled as 'sexually explicit' and moved to a location where minors (under age 18) cannot access them, adhering to TN Law.
Additionally, we have found SOME of these books in our JMCSS Libraries and, according to law, have asked that they be removed at a meeting with 2 people in Administration there on April 6. They were shocked and agreed to do so. As of 1-20-24, from what we can tell, many have been removed, but some still remain. We are concerned, as well, regarding what teachers have in their own classroom libraries, and what comes in through the Book Fairs. We are working on this. If you want to be involved, please let us know.
WARNING: clicking below is intended for Age 18 and over. Likely, seeing and reading will be found offensive. We share it here so that you can begin to realize, the offensive, sexually explicit nature of the books/materials that our Jackson Madison County Library thinks should be easily accessible to all - and on which the Library Board has rejected the requests from fellow citizens.
Library Form
Click on the PEF icon below to see the "Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Library Material Form as referenced..
It's Perfectly Normal
by Harris & Emberley
Cover indicates for Age 10 and up. Our Jackson Madison County Library has been convinced to move this most
graphic and descriptively obscene book to the adult Section at this time 5/23.. View only OUT of the presence of children!
The Poet X
by Elizabeth Acevedo
Read to realize why our youth are so very confused.
Being You
by Megan Madison
This toddler board book (heavy pages) was discovered in the children's section of our library. It was not on any list from which we were working.

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