We had 40 members in attendance at this meeting which was opened by Bob Hayes with welcome, pledge to the flag, and prayer.
Londa introduced the new Administration Team of herself, Heidi Policky, Robert Hayes and Joe Londino. We heard a report from Heidi regarding her experiences volunteering at Keep My Hood Good. Juanita Jones - founder and head of Keep My Hood Good - shared that the mission of Keep My Hood Good is to break the generational and poverty cycles in families. We the People of West TN Administrators have adopted as our 'charity to support.' They currently serve 20 children age 6 to 18 and have graduated 400 in their program since 2009 - making them 15 years old this month. They are sent home monthly with toiletry needs, and WTP members are asked to bring toothbrushes, tooth paste, soap bars, deodorant to upcoming meetings to support this effort.
To learn more, click on the image above, or go to: https://www.keepmyhoodgood.org/
Bob Hayes introduced both Aundrea Gomez and Kathy Harms
Kathy Harms has been an advocate for Election Integrity since the 2020 Elections. In that time, she joined the TN Fair Elections Coalition initiated by Citizens For Renewing America’s Aundrea Gomez - who also accompanied Kathy to our meeting and spoke.  Â
Both Kathy and Aundrea have worked in partnership with the Election Integrity Network headed by Cleta Mitchell. Â
These efforts have put together a Coalition of grass roots citizens that are becoming educated in the many parts of the electoral process in order to ensure that TN does not succumb to the failed policies of other states. Â
Kathy thoroughly shared the impact of third party influence in our elections. This included the entire scope of the concerns that so many have regarding our election process.Â
What follows are notes taken during Kathy's Talk, including Slides that she kindly shared with us for the purpose of sharing with all of our members.
ACTION ITEMS: If you CARE about Fair Elections, Please go NOW to each of these locations, sign up and VOLUNTEER!
TAKE ACTION! Just click on these images (which are links) and SIGN UP!
Only by getting to know these great organizations, can you determine 'your lane' to help TN make it  EASY TO VOTE.... HARD TO CHEAT
Take these 3 EZ Steps NOW!
1. Click on the image below and sign up!
Mark your calendars: Every Friday from 11 am to noon, there is a Zoom Call of volunteers - reports from counties - working together to create a County Coalition in every county -
2. Sign Up for Poll Watcher Training coming up on May 8. @ 7 pm CST.
To sign up, click on the Training Image below, or the link below that.

3. Click on this image and listen to the videos to LEARN what to watch for around polling time.... https://votifynow.org/
Here are notes taken ( approved by Kathy)
from her wonderful presentation:
TN Fair Elections was launched in the Fall of 2021. There are wekly calls on Fridays that discuss the vulnerabilities, what questions to ask of our county election commissions.
During the summer of 2020, Kathy started a branch of this organization which took up so much time, she wanted to walk away - but Aundrea Gomez encouraged her to hand in there. Over all of the 95 counties in TN, help is needed in EVERY COUNTY as REGULAR PEOPLE MAKE IT HAPPEN! Legislation in TN is worked on diligently to make sure our elections are fair and legal and ONLY for citizens.
Sadly, many are deceived here in TN because Heritage Foundation came out saying that TN was #1 in fair elections, but that was based on only a small metric upon which they were scoring, and has nothing to do with how elections are run, the mechanics, etc.
The Voting System is an ECOSYSTEM which combines all of the following aspects:


If the eligible Voter rolls are not clean, eligible we won't have the outcome that is honest - as seen in the 2020 fall election. During that election, we saw 'paper falling everywhere'. If our elections are not secure, our country is not secure and the voice of legitimate citizens are not heard!

There must be a verified paper audit trail. With both the Dominion* AND the ES&S machines (as used here in Madison County!), there are NO markings on the ballots - there is no watermark. In 2020, there was legislation passed that no markings are necessary! Everything is counted by machines. It is currently illegal to hand count in TN! We NEED TRANSPARENT AUDITS!

In Williamson County, there was an error with Dominion machines - the ballots didn't match the tally tape - they then changes to ES&S machines. I GA, the same problem.
Regarding the GA Dominion lawsuit, with an Obama appointee judge - a decision is likely due this month regarding the QR Code on the ballot. It is the Code that is being read, NOT what YOU READ ON YOUR BALLOT - ( if you even take the time to read it before putting it into the tabulator.) The ruling expected this month is whether this violates our rights. It has been proven tht the QR Code CAN be changed - in a study by University of TN IN 2019. AN Independent group showed that less than 19% of people look at their ballot after it comes out of the voting machine and before it is put into the tabulator. In GA, they want HMPB (hand-marked paper ballots) - and if this happens in GA, it will have a cascading effect across the country - a GREAT THING!
Secure hand-marked paper ballots with a hand count is our ultimate goal,
HMPB are legal and used in some TN counties: Benton, Obion, Maury - where their county commission decided to get more secure by land-marking ballots and putting them into a scanner. This did not work in the primary, so they want to go to pre-purchasing ballots with a water mark, and to vote in precincts - the best place and way to do it. TN Fair Elections do NOT agree with going to Voting Centers - which will only make it easier to have a problem. ANOTHER ACTION ITEM: This is a move planned in Madison county, and our members are urged to voice opinions that Voting Centers are NOT what we want to both Representatives Chris Todd, Johnny Shaw, and Senator Ed Jackson. Voting centers challenge the purity of our ballot boxes! There is no assurance of equal access at limited Voting Centers instead of Precincts.
Security features are already on Absentee Ballots - so TN Fair Elections is going to go for that next year with legislation.

Who is registering to vote and how? We need maintenance - and a regular opportunity to see clean rolls. There is not one process that all counties use - all are different even here in TN. This needs to be corrected!
Per US /Tennessee Constitutions, only US Citizens are legal to vote! DACA residents, just because they have lived here a long time - does NOT qualify the right to vote under the US Constitution.

SO...just what is CISA as above in smaller print?? Cybersecurity and INfrastructure Security Agency (CISA). This is part of Homeland Security Center for Internet Security - an agency to which no one is elected. They are heavily involved in our elections. They tell us that the ES&S machines are NOT connected to the internet...if so, why do we need cyber security??? It's been seen over and over that machines break down creating long lines, etc... tech does NOT always fix tech. Hanging chads would be an improvement.
WHAT IS AN NGO? A Non-government Organization - they are EVERYWHERE! They are part of the censorship complex. The can do what government cannot do. Voter registration is up because of NGO's. Think of BIG $$$ - Zuckerbuck, Overstock founder, David Becker, Soros - all of them are hiring people to register voters - even in TN. Rep. Mark Green, is doing an investigation of CDISA, CIS, EiP Scandals.
Student's data is being actively mined and given to Democratic Groups - giving them all kinds of information on our kids so that they know how to groom them, text them, email them, etc. They want to get rid of our Election Commissioners - replacing them with former ES&S employees.

There was a bill passed in TN that these groups can no longer use data of our college students.
There is a way to identify NON-Citizens by driver's licence. It has 'temporary' on the license. There was a House Bill that passed through in April 15, forcing Secretary of State to check with the DMV for a list of TEMP drivers licenses to help get this information to the counties for their care in making SURE that non-citizens do NOT VOTE! There is currently NO state agency giving counties lists of temporary Drivers' License holders!!! In addition - Biden has been giving Social Security numbers to illegals - so there are many ways that illegals can get through to vote!
Election Commissioners are not only trained by our government, but are also being trained by outside groups. There was legislation to stop this., The legislation says that there must be a report of who was in attendance, the cost, who trained the commissioners, dates, etc.
Third Part Voter Fraud - Model legislation passed which was patterned after FL legislation, making these groups register with states. They cannot profile info on a voter registration card, and are assessed huge fines for bad or misleading info. Felons can no longer handle your registration. Also - early voting time was shortened by two days.
Nursing Home residents are the most vulnerable population in the state.
We need to train our commissioners to check EVERY TIME SOMEONE COMES IN TO VOTE! There should be huge signs stating that one must be a US Citizen to vote and that is is a felony for non-citizens to vote. How many temporary drivers' licenses are 'getting through'???
NEEDED: TOTAL TRANSPARENCY with independent audits on every race. If it is known which race and which machines will be audited - that is useless.

ACTION ITEM: Call local Election Commission at 731- 660-1796 and volunteer to be an Election Worker!
The more people that are watching, the less the opportunity for cheating.
Again - register for the May 8 Poll Water TRAINING
Many members asked questions, one being Should one vote EARLY or ON election day? When asked, Kathy's opinion is to vote ON Election Day, as if early voting, there is more time for your vote to get ' messed with'. Who is accessing the information that you voted? Doing so early let's them track you through the voter rolls. On the other hand, personal emergencies can occur on election day, and machines can have glitches - which should shame the local election officials who tout the machines!
