Bob Hayes welcomed FIFTY SEVEN patriots
(including many high-school/college aged youth!) to the meeting

Peg Ramsay opened us with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.
Deb Winbush shared about the exciting LIFEWISE ACADEMY initiative for JMCSS schools.
This effort has been initiated by We the People for our local public schools. She shared that we are at 58 signatures of support, have $100 of the $500 needed seed money, and need a few more people to volunteer to be on the Steering Committee. Their first meeting will be Monday, June 24 at 3:30 at 167 Whitfield Drive, Jackson. This HANDOUT was given to all attendees which will further describe this exciting program we can just STEP INTO - that is taking the country-speedily sharing the Gospel with public school students DURING SCHOOL HOURS, off school property, with parental permission, and privately funded - as per a 1952 Supreme Court Ruling and 1979 TN Law.
Click HERE to go to 'our Madison County' Page at Lifewise.

For a quick look at the LIfewise Academy program,
search on You-Tube, starting with watching this 3' video:
At this time, the Steering Committee asks you to pray for this effort to come to an exciting result. A realistic goal is to bring this to JMCSS by early Spring 2025. Please pray for the Lord to lead you if YOU are to volunteer/support in some manner.
Patriot Academy Coach and WTP Administrator, Londa Rohlfing, presented the program:

From the Constitution Alive class, the Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth, TN as taught/described by Kirk Cameron was shown.
Also covered: ,
The CONSTITUTIONALLY-ACCURATE duties of the President (which are far from adhered to in present times!)
The Electoral College was accurately defined - especially with an analogy to the World Series in Baseball by Rick Green (again from Constitution Alive class). Comparisons and an explanation of the threat of the National Popular Vote Movement was explained.
The Judiciary as prescribed as the LEAST POWERFUL branch of the 3 UNEQUAL branches of our government (Legislative the MOST powerful as closest to the PEOPLE, followed by the President (again, elected by the people as prescribed by the Electoral College) was explained, and out-of-bounds current example given as it pertains to the TN 'Drag Show Law' not being enforced as written, due to being stuck in the Fedxeral 6th District Court of Appeals since Feb. 2, 2024! Numerous other national and state examples are obvious to all. Much was learned about how the judiciary branch is supposed to work.
Find the fill-in-the-blank notes (with answers) to the above portion at these images:

An additional valuable Constitution/History QUIZ was handed out. Here are those:
Londa then shared our efforts/offer to teach a 45' Constitution class prepared by Patriot Academy
that was taken by herself and School Board Member Marcia Moss to the proper committee of JMCSS. After meeting with this Curriculum Committee twice, they approved this effort for 7th graders - to be offered to the principals of each Middle School in August. Londa shared this content and asked for volunteers - and THIRTEEN Patriots stepped up to the plate. Stay tuned.... and hold this in prayer.
Administrator Heidi Policy shared some interesting FLAG FACTS. She asked for Donations for the continued operation of WTP (over $400 was graciously given!), and shared about upcoming meetings:
July 17 TN Congressional Forum has been cancelled, as only incumbent Rep. Chris Todd and candidate Sheila Godwin had firmly committed to attend. The Administrators will be making decisions on the topic(s) for our July 17 regular meeting.
Aug. 20 - School Choice Symposium featuring guests Gary Humble of Tennessee Stands and Trey Cleek of Americans for Prosperity was announced. Moderator will be Shawn Graham of FACTS from Memphis.
Sept. 17 - Celebration of Capitalism and Entrepreneurship will give WTP (and a few others) the opportunity to share about their business/service, make sales at their 'tables', as our way of celebrating the backbone of the American dream - small business. We have artists, writers, teachers of various hobbies, and service businesses all amongst our members.....
Pastor Garry Martin shared about HJR 0803 - seeking God's hand of mercy healing on Tennessee,
reading the resolutiom which calls for prayer July 1-31. On June 29, there will be a gathering in Nashville. On June 30, pastors are asked to read the Resolution from their pulpits. Citizens are asked to pray and fast in some manner during July.
He closed with a historical and challenging reading from the book, 100 Bible Verses that Made America by Robert J. Morgan (he has a great podcast as well). A copy of this book will be gifted to Pastor Martin as a showing of gratitude for his gracious hosting and support of We the People of West TN.