10-25-21 Meeting Notes
We The People of West Tennessee
Date: Monday, Oct 25, 2021
• Time: 11:45-1:00 (eating on own bill meeting 11:45-1:00)
• Location: Old Country Store Jackson Tn - Coffee Club Room
• Called by: Londa Rohlfing, Lori McManus, Ray Condray
• Type of meeting: Second open meeting for Members and guests
• Facilitator: Londa Rohlfing
• Recorder: Kim Condray
• 16 Attendees
Mission Statement
A motion was made by Londa to accept the mission statement. Ray seconded the mo- tion. It was passed unanimously by the group pending possible edits by a military mem- ber. That member subsequently approved this Mission Statement:
Mission Statement: To connect and educate with the purpose of mo- tivating citizens to action in order to preserve our constitutional re- public.
Group Name/Description
A motion was made by Evelyn to accept the group name We the People of West TN. Ray seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously by the group.
Description: A Non-Partisan (but Conservative and Constitution-abiding), No Dues (when/if we need funds, we'll all pitch in), No By-Laws, NO PACS, just con- necting, learning, and ACTING. Strong affiliation with Patriot Academy (www.pa- triotacademy.com) - PA and Convention of States (www.conventionofstates.- com). COS, Both PA and COS and our group (WTP) are strong Christian-based groups.
To 'officially join', send cell phone and email to: londarohlfing@gmail.com or 217- 369-4687 to be added to database.
Accept Reach App
All present were in favor of using this app as the main form of
communication. Londa explained that she would make use of an APP she uses called REACH to communicate brief, important ACTION ITEMS and meeting info, and sometimes to direct members to check their email. This APP directs any Responses only to Londa as the Sender, NOT the entire group.
Social Media
Merge the current ‘Patriots For Truth’ Social Media pages with the new group ‘We The People of West TN’ on Facebook and MeWee.
Ray Condray is making a Video to post to the Facebook Group (was Patriots for Truth, being re-named We the People of West TN) strongly encouraging mem- bers to move to Telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/PHj7Y7e-uclmOWUx
All present agreed to install the GoVoteTn App on their devices for quick access to knowing all districts for complete citizen participation and contacting ALL our governing representatives.
Group Topics
Designate Members to step up to 'Lead' specific group topics and that Londa, Lori and Ray would be the approval board.
A motion was made by Londa, Ray seconded the motion. It was passed unani- mously by the group.
We REALLY need someone with time to be the Legislation Watchdog head!
Contact Londa if you are interested.
Tennessee Stands
Trey Cleek volunteered to try to secure a venue to host a Freedom Matters Tour Event by Tennessee Stands in Jackson TN.
Patriot Academy
Londa played a 3 minute video on the Biblical Citizenship in Modern America Class teaching our country's founding and the Constitution. Londa will be work- ing on getting this class into churches and welcomes any suggestions and as- sistance.
Since the meeting a great NEW national class: Foundations of Freedom has been scheduled. Londa Rohlfing will hold it as a Zoom Class. Register for it at this link: https://www.patriotacademy.com/coach/register/2613
Novl 8 through Dec. 13 - Monday nights 7-9 pm. If you miss, I’ll be sending links for you to watch at your convenience.
Legislation of Interest
The Tennessee General Assembly called a special session beginning October 27th. The group's call to action is to contact their State Representative and Senator and express their opinion about the impact of covid mandates on busi- ness and personal life.
Misc Patriot Opportunities
Members were encouraged to contact Larry Lowrance about volunteering to be a Precinct committeeman 731-660-4393. To learn more: https://www.facebook.- com/watch/?v=889676991831538
Members were encouraged to contact Lori Lott to volunteer to be poll workers. Llott@adisoncountytn.gov 731-660-1796.
Members were encouraged to attend the Veterans Day Parade to be held on Saturday November 6th in the morning. To march in the Convention of States portion, handing out literature, contact Karen Diebold at 731-394-4387. Partici- pants would need to meet 9 a.m. beginning at the Carl Perkins Civic Center.
It was agreed upon by group consensus that our next meeting would be held via Zoom on a date to be determined. The general consensus was that a Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. would be ideal for most members. The next Meeting has been scheduled to be held on Veteran's Day, Nov. 11, Thursday evening at 7:30. Meeting ID: 849 0594 9656 Passcode: 547863 Watch your Text for a reminder.
Members were encouraged to get involved and whatever capacity that they were able and to pray for our country.
Ray Condray closed the meeting with a charge to be involved and then prayer.