Our Mission
We the People of West TN is organized to Connect, Educate and Activate. We are bound by our
CORE VALUES in uniting people of faith and
like-minded individuals to preserve our
constitutional Republic and to
become more effective citizens.

LEARN our Constitution via this FREE 6-week long class via Zoom
It's not too late to join - we have 2 Monday nights left - full of Constitutional 'meat!
NOTE: this is a FREE Class via ZOOM - so invite friends/family members regardless of where they live!
Some Details...
1. This class Great for Middle-School age and above.
2. This class comes with an ONLINE WORKBOOK that you can access/use to take notes, etc. However, if you want a PRINTED, Spiral Workbook, those can be ordered when you register. As of 12-30-24 Londa has 1 workbook in stock for your to pick up (cash please). You can also order at this link: https://www.patriotacademy.com/store?af=MzQ3MzQ%3D
3. Do you have some Mon. night conflicts? ATTEND WHAT YOU CAN - you will be blessed and educated by whatEVER you learn. AND...there is a FREE way to be able to access ALL of the videos that will be shared in class. All you will miss is our 'conversation/Chat' among those in attendance.
4. You've already taken the 8-week or our week-end version of Biblical Citizenship? Yes, some of the videos are a repeat - but there is SO MUCH GOOD EDUCATION in these videos, AND some other, DIFFERENT videos/learning in this class - it will be WELL WORTH YOUR TIME to register for this class!
5. It is impossible to remove the strong Christian influence from our nation's founding and the Constitution, therefore be assured that while this class does not as strongly FOCUS on Christianity in our nation, it IS part of the learning in this class.
REGISTER IS NECESSARY! Do that by hovering your phone's camera over the QR Code in the image below, or by clicking on the REGISTER NOW button below.

We are now using Sakari for our Texting Platform.
Our 'number' with them is: 833-460-5779
Please add that to your phone's Contacts. -
If you have NOT been receiving our Texts and DO want to receive them on your CELL PHONE (texts don't work on landlines),
just text START to 833-460-5779